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Sacral/Heart Chakra Rose Quartz and Orange Aventurine Rosewood Mala

Sacral/Heart Chakra Rose Quartz and Orange Aventurine Rosewood Mala

Svadhisthana Chakra





Carnelian, Yellow Jade & Rosewood


108 Rose quartz, Orange Aventurine & Rosewood beads threaded onto silk and hand knotted between each bead with sparkly crystal detailing and finished with a handmade Japanese silk thread tassel.

The sacral chakra, also known as the second chakra or Swadhisthana in Sanskrit, is located in the lower abdomen, just below the belly button. It is associated with emotions, creativity, and sexuality.

When the sacral chakra is balanced, you may experience feelings of passion, creativity, and joy. You may also have a healthy sexual appetite and feel comfortable expressing your emotions.

However, if your sacral chakra is blocked or imbalanced, you may experience issues with sexuality, creativity, and emotions. This may manifest as a lack of libido, difficulty expressing your feelings, or feeling emotionally numb.


Care instructions ~

Venus malas are made with natural materials and each one is a sacred item and should be treated as such. The tassel is Japanese silk and each bead is threaded onto silk and hand knotted for added security and detail. To keep your mala looking beautiful please remove when you will be excessively sweating and avoid exposure to oils, creams and perfume. Store hanging or with the tassel lying flat. If the tassel does become messy, blow dry on a low setting with warm air gently separating the threads. This should relax any kinks and tangles. Bracelets are more robust, gently roll the bracelet on and off you hand and don’t overstretch. Wood and seeds will absorb creams and oils and can become dull as a result. Take off when showering swimming or bathing. Mo

  • Specifications


    Necklace Length: 40"

    Drop including Tassel: 4"


    Necklace Length: 30"

    Drop Including Tassel: 3.5"


    108 Gemstone & Rosewood8mm or 6mm beads, threaded and hand knotted onto silk thread and finished with a Japanese silk thread handmade tassel.

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